推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜感谢校友们的慷慨支持, the Episcopal Church, friends, 它接受公司和基金会来实现它的目标. 这项资助使大学得以提供奖学金, fellowships, campus renovations, new facilities and much more.

Since 1867, Saint Augustine’s University has preserved a legacy of excellence in education by transforming students into global leaders.

We are thankful for your support in ensuring a bright future for the next generation of scholars.

Falcon Athletics Fund

Falcon Athletics is dedicated to offering educational and athletic opportunities for SAU student-athletes. Your contribution to this fund will assist the department in covering facility maintenance costs and support academic and athletic scholarships for all teams.

Sport-Specific Giving

The Saint Augustine’s University Falcon Athletics Department offers sport-specific funds for our loyal donors to help propel their favorite teams forward. Sport-specific donations directly impact the success of their respective sports and are used at the coaching staff’s discretion.


The Stone of Hope Gala was conceived to both celebrate giving opportunities to the university by our Classes in Reunion, local alumni chapters and other corporate and community stakeholders; and recognize our young alumni who have made substantial contributions to their professions and community.

Learn More →

在过去的几个月里,我们的母校取得了巨大的进步——入学人数增加了, doubling freshman admissions over last year; and many improvements to the campus infrastructure. However, our work is not done. Send your donations to the National Alumni Association or the Office of Alumni Affairs and designate it as Campus Renovation Campaign and indicate that it is part of your annual giving.


“周二捐赠”是一项全球性的慈善活动,人们为慈善事业捐款. We’re asking that you choose to make the students of Saint Augustine’s University your cause of choice with a tax-deductible donation.

Learn More →

  • Gladys C. Bowser Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Leroy Thompson Endowed Fund
  • 詹姆斯和莉莉·沃德·福特捐赠奖学金基金
  • Odell Whitted Endowed Scholarship
  • The Founders’ Endowed Scholarship at SAU
  • Theodore R. Gibson Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Mary Louis Carter Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • 维尔娜和路易斯·谢泼德捐赠奖学金
  • Drs. 欧文和克里斯汀·约翰逊·麦克菲尔授予领导力奖学金
  • The Bishop H. Irving Mayson Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Joseph B. Cheshire Family Endowed Scholarship
  • 罗茜坎贝尔-布伦森纪念捐赠奖学金
  • Docenia Hammond Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • “复仇九”授予学术卓越奖学金
  • The Reverend Dr. Herbert C. Banks Sr., Memorial Fund
  • Joseph H. Silver, Sr. and Rosalyn Smalls Silver Endowment Fund
  • Harvey Schmitt Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Seby Jones Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • 艾伦和格洛丽亚·马斯捐赠奖学金基金
  • Jefferson-Pilot Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • William B. LeFlore Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Omega Psi Phi兄弟会的Kappa Epsilon分会.
  • Ward-LeFlore Endowed Memorial Scholarship
  • John Arthur Johnson, Sr. Endowed Scholarship
  • 理查德·L·托利弗神父捐赠奖学基金
  • George I Alden Scholarship Endowment
  • W. Trent Ragland, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • AKA-HBCU Endowment Fund
  • 迈克尔·乔丹永久捐赠奖学金基金
  • 查尔斯·斯图尔特·莫特基金会
  • Delois Williams Revell Endowed Scholarship

1K奖学基金的设立是为了帮助学生满足他们的经济需要. The 1K Scholarship Fund is unique because it can be awarded to any student with a minimum GPA of 2.0, in any discipline. Students receive funds from $150-$5000 depending on their financial situation after all other options have been exhausted.

帮助我们庆祝下一个150年,为我们的学者改善宿舍. Individuals and organizations have the opportunity to adopt a residence hall and will forever be recognized on a plaque in the lobby of the adopted building. 您为维护、装修和购买家具所做的贡献是免税的.


圣奥古斯丁教堂是由华盛顿·海斯和牧师建造的. Henry B. 德拉尼,后来北卡罗莱纳教区的主教. The Rev. 德拉尼是采石场的主人和石工教练. 他指导学生们在校园里的采石场采石. 发起这项运动的目的是为修复礼拜堂提供资金. 捐款人的名字被放在教堂里的捐赠树上.



By Telephone

To give or make a pledge by telephone, 请致电院校发展办公室,电话 919.516.4182 or 919.516.4092.

Payroll Deduction

The convenient and easy way 是大学的第三方自动结算所(ACH). ACH is a nationwide electronic funds transfer system which provides for the inter bank clearing of
electronic payments.

By U.S. Postal Service

我们将很高兴接受您的个人支票或汇款,付款人是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. 请在备注栏注明捐款用途,并将捐款邮寄至:

Division of University Advancement & External Affairs
Saint Augustine’s University
1315 Oakwood Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27610-2298


Saint Augustine’s University’s unprecedented growth is a testament to bold vision and wise stewardship. Your gifts are extremely important. 托付给我们的每一分钱,无论是现金, pledges, real estate, annuities, 或者其他形式的资助,帮助资助了校园科技, faculty research, 最先进的教室和运动器材, and scholarships for deserving students. 

Your support will assist to strengthen the institution’s preeminent position among schools of similar stature and mission. 你的天赋不仅增强了我们招聘的竞争力, 他们还帮助我们提高我们的示范学术课程, attract and retain exceptions faculty, 继续培养世界级的学者,并为学生提供重要的经济援助.

你有几种方法可以影响圣奥古斯丁的未来. A University representative will gladly assist you in exploring giving options consistent with your interest.

Consider these options:

  • ENDOW 还有你家乡学生的年度奖学金
  • SUPPORT faculty research in a cutting edge academics discipline such as forensic science or human performance and wellness
  • UNDERWRITE 学生生活某一方面的年度费用, such as student ambassadors, volunteer services or Episcopal ministry

你也可以为一些已建立的基金和倡议做出贡献, which include the following:


慈善事业是建立在为共同利益而自愿行动的基础上的. 这是一种给予和分享的传统,对生活质量至关重要. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, 声明所有捐助者都享有这些权利.

View Donor Bill of Rights

  1. 被告知组织的使命, 该组织打算如何使用捐赠的资源, 以及有效利用捐款的能力.
  2. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing board and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibities.
  3. 有权查阅该组织最近的财务报表.
  4. 要确保礼物将用于它们被给予的目的.
  5. 得到适当的承认和认可.
  6. To be assured that information about donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
  7. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
  8. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers or employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
  9. To have the opportunity for the donor’s name to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.
  10. 在捐款时可以随时提问,并得到及时的提示, truthful, and forthright answers.

The text of this statement in its entirety was developed by the American Association of Fundraising Counsel (AAFRC), 医疗慈善协会(AHP), 教育促进及支援委员会, 和筹款专业人士协会(AFP). (1993)


Today’s leaders often acknowledge the investment of the ancestors upon whose shoulders they stand. Because we all sat under shade trees that we did not plant and climbed the ladder of success atop someone’s “shoulders”, we invite you to help repay that gift.

Saint Augustine’s University offers several gift options that benefit the institution in general, or a specific are of university life. 考虑以下一个或多个类别:

  • Outward Gifts: Your one-time gift of cash, mutual funds, appreciated stocks, bonds, securities, real estate, personal property, pension plans or works of art can be directed to the program or academic division of your choice.
  • Pledges: 认捐是在指定期间(1年)分配的多年期承诺, three, or five years), enabling donors to make significant contributions in ways that accommodate their financial circumstances.
  • Estate Gifts: Estate planning (planned giving) allows a donor to determine in advance the best testamentary method for investing at a level greater than could be made in his or her lifetime. Some deferred gifts (gift annuities, Unitrust and charitable remainder trust) provide a guaranteed like income and substantial tax benefits while simultaneously benefiting the University.


  • Patents
  • Copyrights
  • Mineral rights
  • Bequest
  • Living wills or trust
  • Special naming request

Designating Saint Augustine’s University as the official beneficiary of your estate is a tax-wise strategy with mutual benefits. At your request the University and the Episcopal Church Foundation will help you establish a life-income gift. The Planned Giving Home website, 概述了在遗嘱中记住推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的几种方法, 以及如何将大学列为其他慈善活动的受益人. 每一份礼物都有助于保持推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜教育的质量和价值.

Call 919.516.4092来讨论你给SAU的选择.


Click here for more information about the stewards of your donations and to explore other ways to support Saint Augustine’s University.